Serving Our Community
We aim to serve our school, local, national and international community in a number of ways. These activities are fundamental to Catholic education and core to Catholic discipleship. We encourage pupils to participate in a range of activities which embody our distinctiveness as an FCJ Catholic school.
Throughout the school year, we invite and encourage our pupils to pray for and to actively support those in need. We raise money annually for The Passage through our sponsored walks on Founders Day, we support our local community through contributions to the Euston Foodbank and we welcome and host senior citizens with a Christmas and Summer Party. Nationally we support Save the Children and globally we support CAFOD through our team of Young Leaders dedicated to fundraising for CAFOD’s campaigns. We also support other appeals and events that take place as required, and we are proud of the generosity shown by our school community.
In addition to fundraising, pupils regularly have the opportunity to meet with those in positions of responsibility in our community, giving them the chance to discuss current issues and to question policy and practices. In recent years visitors include: our local MP the Right Honourable Sir Keir Starmer, businesses such as Deloitte, representatives of national charities, and others.
The pupils are involved in caring for creation through both the Stewardship and Justice & Peace groups. These are a few of the charities we have supported.
“Strong in action, gentle in manner”Marie Madeleine |