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Maria Fidelis Catholic School FCJ


September 2021

  • House Events are Under Way

    Published 21/09/21

    Following the successful, VI Form Treasure Hunt, the Girls' Football Competition took place today along with the Staff & Student Quiz Night.  Well done to  Guillemet for winning the quiz and D'Houet (pictured) for winning the KS3 football competition.  The boys' competition will take place during the week beginning 4th October, along with the Basketball Competition.

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  • Illias Takes Gold!

    Published 21/09/21

    Congratulations to our very own star, Illias, for his achievements in the London Youth Games this year. His participation helped Team Camden win an amazing number of medals. Illias won four medals and struck gold in the 100m and 200m. He obtained silver in the mixed 4 x 100m relay and came in third in the overall medals

    Illias said, "I love wheelchair racing because of the thrill and I love going at high speeds.  I am inspired by David Weir and train at his club."

    The Camden team won a bronze medal in the overall medal table.  Illias still has the Silverstone 5km race and the London mini marathon coming up.

    Well done on your impressive achievement!

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  • Year 7 Retreat to Aylesford

    Published 10/09/21

    All year 7 students went on retreat to Aylesford today as part of their induction programme at Maria Fidelis.  They had a wonderful time, meeting Fr Jed, who told them the story of the friary and answered questions about the history of Aylesford.  We then went to mass outdoors and students learnt about the parable of the paralysed man and talked about FCJ values before taking part in a team building exercise.  They had to protect an egg, which was to be launched into the air, so they needed to discuss strategies, use their intelligence to think about what resources to use and work together to create the perfect protection for their egg.  The students worked excellently together and almost all the eggs survived. 

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September 2021